Airbus A321 Neo LR

  • Overall length 44.51 m
    Cabin length 34.44 m
    Fuselage width 3.95 m
    Max cabin width 3.70 m
    Wing span (geometric) 35.80 m
    Height 11.76 m
    Track 7.59 m
    Wheelbase 16.90 m 
  • Maximum range: 4100 Nautical Miles
  • Seats: 160
  • Range 7400 km
    Cruise speed M0.82
    Max ramp weight 97.40 tonnes
    Max take-off weight 97.00 tonnes
    Max landing weight 79.20 tonnes
    Max zero fuel weight 75.60 tonnes
    Max fuel capacity 32 940 litres 

Air Transat Virtual
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