Vacation is Calling

What We Do

TSC Toolkit

Custom Toolkit for pilots featuring all the tools you could want for Vatsim and offline flying 


Fly some of the most realistic aircraft in flight simulators with real procedures and regulations

Real World Routes

Fly the true-to-life routes that the real Air transat offers 

Real Fleet

Fly the real-life fleet from the true-to-life A320 to the Airbus A330 and to the brand new A321Neo

Custom EFB

We have made a helpful tool where you can find all the necessary tools you will need when flying


 Using the best acars system to provide real data on flights, airport market demand and tracking data available for all pilots to use.

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Air Transat Virtual
Please note that we are not an official group and are not endorsing or advertising for Air Transat in any way.
and that we do not own parts of this server including flight tools and the images used.
We are here for fun and for the flight simulator community's enjoyment 
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